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What Was Your Attachment Style
to God?

How did you relate to god growing up?

I will share how you can heal now based on your relational style back then.

Take this 5 minute quiz to find out!

Identify the core problem and specific solutions to reclaim your life after surviving evangelical subculture.

I’m so glad you’re here. I’m Catherine Quiring, MA, LMHC, and I help exvangelicals learn to trust their desires and reconnect to their inner wisdom.

I’ve been in the trenches with you growing up in the evangelical church, I’m a licensed therapist who knows how heal trauma, and I have been investigating what the heck is going on with these lingering triggers and how to find inner trust and peace.

I start this journey by helping you understand how you related to god growing up, or as we therapists like to call it, your attachment style to god. The individual messages you received are not the whole problem. How you were taught to relate to god is the core problem. god was supposed to be the center of your life. You were not “allowed” to have a life, desires, or interests apart from what he wanted for your life. I want you to be able to fully reclaim your life, including your internal freedom and your internal compass. Come join me on the journey.

What Was Your Attachment Style to God?

How did you relate to god growing up?

I will share how you can heal now based on your relational style back then.

Take this 5 minute quiz to find out!

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